/ Grant Writing

We develop and coordinate proposals for national and international programmes, including Horizon Europe and Eurostars. In close dialogue with you, we develop a fundraising strategy, which we subsequently assist in implementing. We monitor calls for research and innovation projects from Horizon Europe, EU and international support programs and match them with your research and innovation interests.

See programmes, funding rates,  evaluation criteria and much more in our applicant universe.

Especially EU programmes have low success rates and there are many rules and procedures to keep in mind. We help keep track of the formal and informal criteria in the development of your project, and we help give the proposal the right format and a strong narrative so you can focus on content rather than administration and processes.


/ Fundraising Strategy: We prepare a tailored fundraising strategy. The strategy will cover the entire value chain from public affairs, mapping of relevant networks, visibility and branding activities.

/ Monthly meetings and ongoing dialogue: It is our ambition to be your partner. Therefore, it is important for us to have a continuous dialogue with you to ensure understanding and anchorage.

/ Monitoring: Information about calls and project opportunities, nationally as well as internationally. Based on your strategy, we monitor and inform with due diligence about funding opportunities.

/ Capacity building in research support and strategic fundraising: We offer tailor-made workshops that strengthen your skills in external funding. Themes for the workshops you decide. We ensure that they contain the latest trends in funding and analyses of recent work programmes from, for example, Horizon Europe.

Added value

By leaving bureaucracy and process management to us, you can dedicate your full attention to the research and development activities of your project. We have thorough knowledge of guidelines and evaluation criteria, so you do not have to address these questions. It releases significant resources to do actual research and development.