/ Frontløbere i Horizon 2020 robotics

By Christian Walther Bruun / On / In Ikke-kategoriseret

Grøn/Bruun har analyseret funding givet til teknologisk udvikling indenfor robotics i Horizon 2020 under LEIT-ICT opslagene. I alt er bevilget 77 projekter med i alt 253,4 mio. EUR (ca. 1,9 mia. DKK) i EU funding. Fordelingen er som følger:

  • / Tyske institutioner er de mest successfulde i robotics under LEIT-ICT opslagene med ial ca. 21% af den samlede funding.
  • / Den danske GTS Teknologisk Institut er den mest success fulde institution med i alt 12 mio. DKK i funding (ca. 90 mio. DKK).
  • / Den største del af midlerne er givet til universitet og forskningsinstitutioner, mens private virksomheder har opnået 72,4 mio. EUR (ca. 543 mio. DKK) eller 38,4% af midlerne.
  • / I alt har 362 institutioner opnået funding i 77 projekter indtil nu.
  • Se hvem der har fået midler her.

/ Frontrunners in Horizon 2020 robotics

By Christian Walther Bruun / On / In Uncategorized

Grøn/Bruun has assessed the funding provided to technological development within the fields of robotics in Horizon 2020 under LEIT-ICT calls. A total of 77 projects was found with a total EU contribution of EUR 253,4 million. The distriubtion is as follows:

  • / German institutions are the most successful in robotics under LEIT-ICT with approximately 21% of the total funding.
  • / The Danish institution Danish Technological Institute (Teknologisk Institut) is the most successful institution with total funding of EUR 12 million.
  • / The largest part of the funding is allocated to universities and research institutions, with private companies receiving EUR 72,4 million or 38,4% of the funding.
  • / A total of 362 institutions have been funded in 77 projects so far.
  • See the whole list here.